THE INTERNATIONAL PROJECT "AYURVEDA, FROM WOMEN TO WOMEN" through THE BOOK ¨ Multicultural Ayurvedic and Vegan Vegetarian Recipes to Align yourself with your Biorhythm¨
This is a wonderful project that seeks to integrate women practitioners, therapists and Ayurvedic chefs who are contributing in their path to expand the wisdom of Ayurveda on this planet, thus promoting their work and their contribution to humanity.
The initiative came from María Dolores Peña Martos, a Spanish woman dedicated to Ayurvedic and Naturopathic medicine, specialized in gynecology, obstetrics and natural therapies. She feels a strong connection with the integral health of women. Director and founder of "Centro Hispánico Internacional Ayurveda" (www.chiayurveda.com), where she also teaches classes. Owner of the company Sayoni Care (www.sayonicare.com) dedicated to the care of women.
In addition to her consultations, she organizes workshops, lectures and writes articles on Ayurveda and empowerment. She visualized this project through her dreams, which she has led and managed to manifest. Probably, thanks to his past work experience in international companies after graduating in "International Business Management".
- Expand Ayurveda internationally, this millenary medicine, to enrich local cultures by thinking Ayurvedically. Show the world how Ayurvedic cooking can be done, also outside of India, creating awareness about the influence of the seasons and the moon phase, to make it easier for all women to cook in a balanced way while connecting with the environment and their own nature.
- Promote conscious food, necessary for the evolution of the inhabitants of this planet. Through the creation of a multicultural book, where the recipes are mostly ¨thridoshic¨ (balancing for all constitutional types), where each participant chooses dishes from their area and adapts them under the principles of Ayurveda.
- Promote healthy positive feminine unity, there are many ways to empower women without harming man, and from this project we want to transmit them. In return, provide recognition to the experts in the field of Ayurveda and give example of unity, when women put aside their differences and unite for their concerns, wonderful things happen.
- Empower women with low resources through educational scholarships. We think that education should be a right that should be available to everyone. In this case, we consider that one of the most disadvantaged groups is women, that is why we want to do our bit by covering studies under the International Scholarship Program for Spanish-Speaking Women.
The Project will support this social program that is designed to offer 100% SCHOLARSHIPS at the international level, to women without resources and in this way achieve empowering them, so that they can positively change their quality of life.
The program is an initiative developed jointly by an important group of non-profit organizations of international scope, committed to offering advanced academic and professional training, of a specialized and multidisciplinary nature, aimed at academic specialization in the key issues of management and management of companies, personnel, directives and analytics of the participants. Training professionals who can contribute to cultural and social development in the area of Social and Human Sciences, in the area of emergencies under universal vision, education, health and well-being. In addition to the creation of an awareness of global citizenship on an international scale.
We firmly believe that education is one of the fundamental pillars of human rights, democracy, sustainable development and peace, so it must be accessible to all. THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM is endorsed by an outstanding group of non-profit organizations and institutions of national and international character:
- Centro UNESCO para la formación en Derechos Humanos, Ciudadanía Mundial y Cultura de Paz. (Unesco Center for the development in Human Rights, World Citizenship and Culture of Peace.) Willemstad, Curaçao. A.
- Centro Internacional AbadAmad Terapias Naturales. (International Center AbaAmad Natural Therapies) Norteamérica – Centroamérica – Suramérica – UE.
- Instituto Internacional de Estudios Globales para el Desarrollo Humano. (International Institute of Global Studies for Human Development) España, UE.
- The International University For Global Studies - IUGS.
- Il Istituto Universitario Di Studi Sociali. (The University Institute of Social Studies)
- Plataforma Internacional Para La Gestión Empresarial Ética - PLAIGEMP. (International Platform for Ethical Business Management).
- The Master University. San Diego, USA.
Conscious and courageous women who work daily to expand the knowledge of Ayurveda on this planet, authors of books on the subject, teachers, Vidyas, doctors and therapists. Women united under a big heart, aligned with the objectives mentioned above regarding the project, with a great passion for what they do and as a nation without flags. Their collaboration is to donate recipes for the book "MULTICULTURAL RECIPES VEGETARIAN AND VEGAN AYURVÉDICAS TO ALIGN YOURSELF WITH YOUR BIORRITHM".
The idea is that we join forces to expand Ayurveda, from women to women of this planet, (since we are most of the engines of each home). From the USA, South America, Europe, Australia, East, and India. Simple recipes, fast and nutritious where you can taste, a little of them.
- Spanish-speaking women.
- Women of limited resources who wish to start a professional career and cannot afford their studies.
- Women who wish to be trained for the first time in the world of: Health and Welfare, Business Management, World Citizenship, Human Rights, Emergencies Under Universal Vision, Culture of Peace, Advances in Education and Human and Social Sciences, among others.
- Active women professionals who wish to supplement their training and cannot afford their studies, and they want to be specialized therapists in these areas or other complementary (chiromassage, acupuncturists, therapists, etc.).
- Professionals Women from the world of health and well-being who want to add an INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION to their current profile with complementary training.
To participate in our SCHOLARSHIPS project; AYUVERDA, FROM WOMEN 2 WOMEN you must send an email to: programainternacionaldebecas@gmail.com requesting the information of the SCHOLARSHIP of the Master, Diploma or International Course that you wish to carry out. These are our proposals for Masters, Diplomats and International Courses (they are in Spanish since our first project will be focussed in hispano speakers’ women):
- Curso Internacional de Terapias Alternativas y Complementarias.
- Curso Internacional de Nutrición.
- Curso Internacional de Dietética.
- Curso Internacional Sé un Experto Creador de tu Abundancia y Prosperidad.
- Curso Internacional Cuidados a Personas con Alzheimer.
- Diplomado Internacional de Naturopatia y Terapias Naturales.
- Gestión Empresarial Bajo Visión Ética (61 tipos de Diplomados).
- Ciudadanía Mundial (25 tipos de Diplomados).
- Emergencias Bajo Visión Universal (4 tipos de Diplomados).
- Derechos Humanos (12 tipos de Diplomados).
- Cultura de Paz (17 tipos de Diplomados).
- Avances en Educación (9 tipos de Diplomados).
- Gerencia General, Gestión Empresarial, Business Administration (24 tipos de Master).
- Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (24 tipos de Master).
- Derechos Humanos con Visión Universal y Cultura De Paz (6 tipos de Master).
We want this project to carry out its goals as they are crucial for the balance that society needs and thus contribute to enrich the planet at the level of consciousness, culture, connection and sustainability. We hope to be able to support the education of many women who wish to do so.
If you want to know more about the Project: Ayurveda, from woman to woman, follow it on social networks:
- Facebook (Spanish version): /Ayurvedaw2wes
- Facebook (English version): /Ayurvedaw2wen
- Instagram: Ayurvedaw2wen
- YouTube Channel: Ayurveda from women 2 women
© Copyright AbadAmad Terapias Naturales 2013. Todos los derechos reservados.